The atrocities committed against the United States on September 11, 2001 have left us all a bit shaky. It has also united us in a way that only the WWII generation has ever before experienced. Many writers and photographers across the nation have shared their craft with an electronically connected public, and we thought we should combine our collections here to share with our DMS family.

Read them. Print them. Share them with your children, for they are the next leaders of this great nation.

May God bless the United States of America.



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Print directly from the page, or right-click (click and hold on Mac) to copy to your hard drive. Use your back button to return here.

"Facing War" by Ben Powell

"The Eagle Cries"

"Words for Thought" by Leonard Pitts, Jr. of the Miami Herald

Iwo Jima / NY Firefighters graphic

President's Address-September 20, 2001

Printable U.S. Flag

"The Binch Story"-Rob Suggs, children's author (adaptation of Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas")

A collection of political cartoons published since the tragedy

President's Address-October 7, 2001

The Tragedy Collage--"Never Forget"

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